For some of the regular readers of this blog, it’s probably next to inconceivable that some brands still don’t understand the power of mobile marketing. However, with the emergence of new players in nearly every industry, as well as the constant development of small businesses, there’s plenty of room for unwitting organizations to slip through the cracks when it comes to SMS awareness. To help cut through this marketing inertia and show how vital connecting with shoppers on their phones is to a successful outreach initiative, here’s five stats brands simply can’t ignore that support the continued rise of text marketing.
Mobile Will Soon Pass Desktop in Terms of Searches
To start the discussion, Andrew Gazdecki of Business 2 Community offers up a true gem concerning the prevalence of smartphone usage in the modern world. In referencing a study from Google, Gazdecki notes that the search engine leader projects mobile search queries to surpass those made on traditional desktop platforms by nearly one billion requests in 2015.At first glance, this looks like it has nothing to do with mobile marketing. However, this projection, which will put total mobile queries above 85 billion for the upcoming year, helps support an important notion for brands looking to connect with consumers via SMS promotions – the vast majority of virtually any target audience can’t get enough of their smartphones. Essentially, if your customers plan on spending so much time on these devices anyways, why not build a campaign that takes advantage of this predisposition with powerful targeting and easy access to the right demographics?
Conversions via Mobile Marketing Are Lightning Fast
While other forms of marketing play toward a longer form approach for sealing conversions, mobile and SMS offerings take a much different approach. Again, Andrew Gazdecki provides this insight, noting that conversions via this platform traditionally happen within five hours of the event. Basically, as soon as your marketed message arrives on the phones of your contact list members, the clock starts counting down toward an acceptance of your offer or promotion.Naturally, this number can fluctuate between brands and marketplaces, but there’s no denying that organizations looking for fast conversions don’t have to go any farther than value-oriented SMS offerings. Adding in that a large portion of these consumers accept such offers on-the-go provides even more credence that a fast conversion on a “flash” deal can occur anytime, anywhere.
SMS Marketing Provides Constant Access
When it comes to a steady stream of access to consumers, brands can’t go wrong with SMS marketing. Sure, 57 percent of people log on to Facebook at least once a day, and 58 percent check their email at least three times every 24 hours, both according to Allegra Tepper of Mashable. However, while these stats are nice, Tepper goes on to point out that average person looks at his or her phone 150 times a day. Whether these individuals are checking social media, texting friends, or simply looking at missed calls, it all boils down to one undeniable fact – after sending off a marketed text message, the odds of your message going unnoticed is next to none.
Virtually Every Message You Send Is Opened
In fact, this kind of constant viewing of smartphones ensures that virtually every message you send is opened and read by the targeted viewer. As Laura Varley of the United Kingdom’s Digital Marketing Magazine points out, 98 percent of all messages fired off not only reach the target, but also end up opened. This eye-popping stat easily eclipses the visibility offered by sponsored ad spots on social media networks and even the biggest name in the business – email marketing. If consistency and a fair shot at promoting your brand is your primary goal, it’s easy to see that connecting with consumers via SMS marketing not only fulfills this desire, but goes above and beyond it with flying colors.
It Doesn’t Take a Lot to Run a Campaign
While these stats are definitely compelling, if you’re new to the mobile marketing world, chances are you probably think that to reach these levels of success, you’ll need to spend day and night creating promotional content. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Varley goes on to explain that 83 percent of readers only wish to receive two messages a month, at most.To really connect with these consumers, you don’t have to go overboard. Instead, simply connecting with them on their preferred platform and incorporating value-driven content should be more than enough to help you turn these impressive statistics into a successful and fruitful branded campaign of your own.