It’s no big secret that most businesses could do more in terms of marketing and outreach. However, with only 24 hours in the day, acting on this realization falls firmly into the “wishful thinking” category for most businesses and organizations. But what if you could give your SMS marketing operations this much needed boost without compromising the rest of your precious time during the work day? With a few simple tips and tricks guiding the way, as well as a proper understanding of just what goes into a successful SMS campaign, you’ll be fixing up your text relationship with these contact list members and breaking new ground in no time.
Start off By Sending More Texts
Okay, chances are that the concept of sending more texts comes off the most unimpressive and lackluster suggestion we could have possibly kicked this list off with – until you realize that it’s actually the best thing you can do if you’re looking to increase the reach and return on your campaign. As Kern Lewis of Forbes magazine explains, 64 percent of consumers think organizations should use SMS marketing more often going forward, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Outside of the obvious gap between fulfillment and demand, there’s also the fact that 70 percent of these consumers feel that texting is one of, if not the best way to stay in touch with a brand. Additionally, the study cited by Lewis points out that a whopping 76 percent of those polled claimed to be more likely to read a message immediately if it came via the SMS channel. The moral of the story is clear; giving the people on your contact list what they want, and generating more conversions, starts with upping your frequency to meet the demand of your audience.
Don’t Be Afraid of Help
Lewis goes on to suggest that if you’re going about SMS marketing on your own, chances are you’re making this process harder and less efficient than it has to be. By working with a team of experts that have been around the block before, as well as setting up shop with a proper messaging and analytics platform, you’ll reduce your wasted efforts and missed opportunities by a large margin. Think of this helping hand as your own personal SMS “secret weapon.” Regardless of which industry you call home, it’s hard to pass up an offer that takes a little bit of the load off of you and your team.
Lean on Metrics to Increase ROI
Once you’ve found a platform for managing and developing your SMS campaigns, Heavy’s Sophie Davidson tabs properly using metrics as the next piece of the success puzzle. The basic thought process here is that measuring your return on investment (ROI), open rates, and other pivotal metrics is actually easier than most people think, especially if you’re working on a proper SMS platform. However, actually committing to implementing decisions based on the guidance of these stats is a little scary for those who aren’t quite ready for a stats-based approach.As you shift gears and move into this direction, just remember that if you keep your head clear of any preconceived notions and approach these metrics from an objective standpoint, you’ll find that your audience does a great job of letting you know exactly what kind of content they want, as well as when they want it hitting their mobile devices.
Shift Your Marketing Budget
Davidson wraps up her look at getting more reach out your SMS operations by explaining that texting your customers, despite all of the signs pointing to this process as being hyper effective and in demand, is possibly still under saturated in terms of brand utilization. Essentially, this is a fancy way of saying that SMS marketing is a far less competitive field than email or social outreach, so why not shift your budget allocation in favor of this underutilized tool? By doing this, you’ll not only spend your marketing money more effectively, but get an even bigger bang for your buck, regardless of the size of your budget.The best part about putting any of these quick and simple tips to good use is that as you see the results start pouring in, you’ll be able to put even more time and effort into the process as it becomes available. Considering just how powerful SMS marketing can be, chances are that it won’t take long for this method of connecting with your target audience to quickly move from the realm of afterthought to top priority in your upcoming agendas and company scheduling.