It’s been said before and it will undoubtedly be said again: email marketing is especially fantastic thanks to it’s customization options. This holds true from both the marketer and the reader perspective. As a marketer, for example, you can create a dynamic email marketing campaign scaled perfectly to suit your business needs. Did you know that you can do the same when it comes to your readers? Instead of sending the same emails to everyone on your list, why not consider segmenting your subscribers? Let’s talk about some of the most important reasons you should consider segmenting your email list.
Segmenting Improves Click Rate
One of the most daunting prospects about running an email marketing campaign is the idea that recipients won’t even open the email. You’ve worked hard on creating great content for your subscribers – but what can you do to ensure that they read it? One of the best things you can do to increase open rates as well as click rates is segmenting your list. This can improve you click rates alone by almost 60%!
Segmenting Encourages Reader Engagement
Even beyond simply opening up your email, readers have to take time out of their day to actually read it and interact with it. While this is the ultimate goal, it can also be a difficult one to attain. Many readers simply don’t have the time to spend reading emails that aren’t either absolutely vital to their lives or – at the very least – incredibly interesting. That’s why sending targeted emails is so important.Do you remember those “one size fits all” pieces of clothing that used to be popular a few decades ago? They were, invariably, tiny pieces of fabric that only a select few could wear well. To achieve the best look, you had to take the time to go shopping for an outfit that was actually made to fit your particular size. Your email campaign should follow this same principle. Not everyone is going to be equally interested in the same content – in fact, some of the content won’t even be relevant to various groups of people. By segmenting your email campaign, you’re essentially ensuring that individuals receive information that is relevant to their interests and needs. This encourages reader engagement and increases your chances of developing a repeat opens.
Segmenting Creates Excitement
By taking the time to segment your subscribers and more finely hone your content delivery, what you’re really doing is encouraging readers to open your email immediately. This is vital for a few different reasons. The most important reason is that readers who don’t open your email right away are likely to forget to do so later. This means that your carefully crafted message could end up in the trash. That’s the last thing we want, right? That’s another reason why segmenting your list is so important. Delivering content that seems handcrafted especially for a particular reader creates the sense that your business is personally invested in them. Everyone likes to receive attention, and email subscribers are no different. Segmenting your email list can ultimately lead to improved relationships with your audience – and that’s a great way to convert customers and improve future open rates.
Segmenting Helps Customer Conversion Rates
Another important reason to consider segmenting your email list is that doing so can help increase your conversion rate. You might think that you already know how given what we’ve discussed above, but I actually have an entirely different reason for your consideration. In general, there are a two kinds of subscribers. The first group is comprised of individuals who already know they definitely want to use your service or product. The second is comprised of individuals who don’t need your product or service yet, but are subscribing because they might in the future.By determining the difference between these two groups and using email segmentation, you can essentially send a different campaign to each one. This is helpful because the first group is actively interested in your brand. Sending them frequent emails is more likely to help your chances of conversion than hurt them. The second group, however, might see frequent emails as the sign of a business being a bit too aggressive. They’ll probably respond better to a more casual campaign that keeps your brand on their mind, but doesn’t hit them with targeted sales materials all the time.Even beyond what we’ve discussed above, there are a plethora of reasons to segment your email list. The idea of starting the process might be daunting, but the rewards are worth the effort.