On the surface, the Events for Gmail feature found within the shared space of Gmail and Google Calendar doesn’t seem like it has much influence on how brands and marketers operate within the inbox. Up until a few days ago, the sentiment behind this statement was right on the money. However, Google has a funny way of turning the digital world on its head from time to time.By altering how Events for Gmail interacts with incoming messages, this tech giant might have drastically shifted your approach or strategy when it comes to connecting with customers via this platform. With this in mind, let’s dig into the myriad implications of the Events for Gmail update.
Breaking down the Events for Gmail Changes
As the team behind Gmail explains in the official blog post covering this update, this change allows email content to directly add information and reminders to a person’s Google Calendar account. Specifically, this leading force in the world of email has pinpointed messages that contain restaurant reservations, hotel bookings, flight details, and even event tickets as the primary targets for this newly integrated service.Provided that the user in question keeps this now default setting active, each entry will cover not just date and time reminders, but also flight numbers, check-in requirements, and any other pertinent information. Events for Gmail’s new look approach can even adjust this information as needed should a delay, rescheduling, or some other such unforeseen circumstance occur.It is important to note that Google Apps for Government domains aren’t currently supported as part of this update, although the reason for this absence isn’t available as of yet.
Understanding Google’s Thought Process
So why exactly would Google go through the trouble of creating this new feature? In his look at this news, Venture Beat’s Emil Protalinski points out that the founders of the Gmail empire are all about making life a little easier and more convenient for its valued base of users. With each “creature comfort” feature Google adds to its email platform, this organization ensures that it both maintains and grows its impressive 16 percent share of the email client marketplace.
Why This Matters for the World of Email Marketing
In terms of email marketing implications for brands like your own, April Mullen of Media Post’s Email Insider blog notes that there’s plenty to be excited about – especially if you currently operate within the hospitality, travel, or entertainment industries. By tapping into the scheduling functionality of Events for Gmail, your brand can frontload messages with more crucial purchase or event information, thereby building a deeper and more meaningful connection with its audience via enhanced customer service. It also doesn’t hurt to have your brand name and upcoming happenings stay in the limelight even after readers close your email communications.Mullen goes on to explain that this update to Events for Google is also the perfect opportunity for brands that might not currently offer up this information via the email channel to jump into this portion of the digital world. SMS or standard phone calls are fine for confirmations, but having the Gmail app automatically remind your target audience about upcoming events and interactions via their mobile devices is an exceedingly powerful asset to have on your side for essentially no additional cost.
Making the Most of This Update
If your brand stands in one of the industries that can make the most out of this update, Mullen offers up one final piece of advice – spend some time working out a few quality assurance measures. Even if you’re a seasoned veteran that stands tall within the email marketing ranks, assuming that your content will port over to the Events for Google/Google Calendar shared interface without any tinkering or tweaking is a dangerous way to approach this opportunity.A quick look over how this information translates to the calendar, as well as how each entry adjusts and changes in response to an updated email, can ensure that you always have a smooth and pleasant interaction with the customers who rely upon these reminders to stay on schedule. Considering how important this bond is to future sales and interactions for your organization, it’s well worth the time and effort that go into this testing process.From this point, you should be ready to take your audience by storm with a sleek new take on Google’s latest update. The only thing that’s left to do now is to wait for the next big email marketing opportunity that comes from whatever upcoming changes Google has in store.