With so much information on marketing available online, it can be easy to lose track of some of the email basics necessary for success. There are so many automation tricks, subscriber segmentation techniques, and marketing strategies, that it can make email marketing seem much more complicated than it needs to be.If you are having trouble remembering the foundations of a great email, here are the 5 basic secrets that every marketer needs to know for their next campaign.
Sometimes marketers get too bogged down in unnecessary information, or they try to make their email do too much work. This can make it difficult for the reader to understand what it is they are offering. Even a moment’s frustration can lose a potential customer, so it is always better to make a clear presentation of an appeal.“Be straightforward with your offers, rather than luring in a customer with offers that have no relevancy,” Natasha D. Smith from Direct Marketing News. “Create up-front deals that are significant to customers. Marketers need to be black and white about the value of the message. Clarity allows people to make easy decisions about your brand and the brand’s products.”
Not every recipient in your subscriber list will want the same thing at the same time. It is absolutely vital to maintain relevance to your readers, otherwise you risk having them unsubscribe or lose interest in your brand all together.“Only send email messages that are relevant and suit the reader’s needs,” recommends Smith. “Predictive analytics, A/B testing, purchase history, feedback, and other tools can help you create messages that are crafted to consumers’ wants.”
This goes without saying, but emails need to have marketing strategies behind them in order to succeed. Copy and paste email templates are simply not good enough to create any sort of decent conversion rate.“Ultimately, the right strategy will be customer-focused and omnichannel. Create a strategy that meets shoppers wherever they are,” says Smith. “Technology is already encouraging this fusion with social feeds inside of emails and the blending of email and mobile.”
When it comes down to it, a reader should be able to understand everything that your email has to offer within seconds of opening it. Ideally, they may already know what to expect just from your subject line. People are busy and they don’t have much investment in the long list of emails in their inbox without good reason.“On average, users get about 150 messages in their inboxes each day, and those emails are coming from family, friends, and coworkers,” says Smith. “So the succinctness allows readers to consider an offer or read a message in a matter of moments—perfect in an age of digital noise that often drowns out marketing messages.”
People love to share things that they find interesting and relatable. This is also a great way for your content to get an even farther reach than just one inbox. With the right material, audience engagement has huge potential if it is shareable.“One of the best steps that a marketer can take is to create email content that prompts readers to share on social media,” says Smith. “Connecting directly with your customers and fans through social media shows you what content engages them; capitalize on that information by creating fun emails your readers would likely share as forwards or on their own social channels.”