While getting into the everyday “grind” of email marketing is a vital part of winning in the inbox in the long term, it’s also important to have a strong plan in place for the major events that come up on the calendar from time to time. The upcoming Easter holiday is no exception to this rule.Unfortunately, far too many brands fail to understand this concept – or plan accordingly. To ensure that your business doesn’t end up counting itself among this less than illustrious company, here’s an in-depth look at how to make this Easter season your best yet in the inbox.
Play to the Traditional Themes of the Holiday
As Practical Ecommerce’s Armando Roggio points out, the best way to start prepping for the big day is by taking note of the major themes and traditions that come with Easter and develop your sales content around these concepts accordingly. Specifically, we’re talking about the bright colors of the season, the fun found at family gatherings, and engaging characters like the Easter Bunny.Naturally, which motifs and visuals you evoke will vary based on both your brand and the preferences of your target audience. The big key here is that these concepts and themes play a major role in the style and presentation of your seasonal email marketing offerings.
Be Sensitive to the Underlying Meaning of Easter
Of course, it’s important to take a quick detour and point out that Easter is also a special time of the year for those of faith, so treading carefully with the message and presentation of your content is essential. Taking the opposite approach and potentially stepping on the toes of the more religious portions of your target comes with a hefty amount of backlash that isn’t exactly easy to overcome.If you do plan on invoking religious imagery and themes within your content, don’t be afraid to connect with focus groups from your contact list beforehand. Doing so does add a bit of extra work to the content development and implementation process, but it can help ensure that your brand doesn’t go walking headfirst into an awkward or offensive email marketing situation.
Focus on Interactive and Engaging Content
After you’ve decided on the overarching themes and concepts that your Easter content will embody, it’s time to switch the discussion over to the best methods of engaging with your list of email contacts. On this front, ClickZ’s Hue Jenkins suggests aiming for an interactive inbox experience.For instance, Jenkins points out that everyone loves a good Easter egg hunt, so let this concept translate to your email marketing operations as part of an immersive content experience. Crafting messages that feed into Easter-specific landing pages and social activities – your own branded “egg hunts” – pushes your audience farther down the marketing funnel and goes beyond the standard inbox sales pitch.The best part about this approach? The sky is the limit in terms of how creative your brand can be with this Easter-centric experience. Just don’t forget that once your email following has made their way through multiple channels and interactive experiences, there needs to be a prize (special offer, surprise gift, premium content, etc.) waiting at the finish line.
Give Timing Its Due
Finally, it’s beyond important to understand that timing during the Easter holiday means different things to different audiences and email contact lists. More to the point, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-community (B2C) organizations have to time outbound messages based on entirely different parameters.For the B2B readers out there, getting this content out early and often is necessary, as business managers and other portions of your target viewership will be out of office and not around to consume your offerings. If you wait too long to get your campaign underway, don’t be surprised when these time-sensitive selections end up gathering dust in the inbox.On the B2C side of the equation, it’s actually better to wait until the end of the week/weekend to deploy your marketed messages. The reasoning behind this approach is that audience members who are off for the holidays are more likely to have time to engage with – and act upon – seasonally-relevant sales content.By now, the message here should be pretty clear: Winning in the inbox on Easter requires a willingness to plan ahead, work hard, and also have a little bit of fun. Fortunately, now that you understand this and have all the info presented here on your side, there’s no reason why this Easter can’t be the best yet for your brand in the inbox.