Email merge tags are a great way to personalize a message so that it is far more customized to the recipient.Personally, I like getting emails that say “Hi Robert” instead of just “Hello Newsletter Subscriber”. I also think that having some degree of personalization helps distinguish legitimate emails that I’ve signed up for (since those organizations have more information about me) versus the spam that never has anything about me aside from knowing my email address.There is some recent research that says merge tags or personalization do not particularly boost results, but from what I have seen during our internal studies is that it certainly does not hurt.That being said, definitely do not go overboard with merge tags. I once got an email that said “Hello Robert”, then “Robert, we’ve got a deal for you”, then “We know you’ll love this, Robert, then “I bet there are friends of Robert who could use this”, etc, etc. I don’t even know what they were trying to sell because my only thought was that they were so excited to call me by my first name!Definitely don’t go merge tag crazy, but certainly when they are used properly it can give your email a nice added touch.The number one rule of email merge tags is to make sure that you implement them properly to ensure a positive experience from the people who receive your emails.What actually got me thinking about this was an email I received today from Hootsuite. We use Hootsuite internally and I’m personally a big fan of their application. Now, Hootsuite uses another email service provider who I won’t name… and I hope they don’t mind me using them as an example for a key learning lesson to everyone else.This is the email I received today (Note; I added the highlighting):
Merge tags gone wrong...