Email Marketing Weekly Trends: It’s All About The Super Bowl

by Robert Burko
3 mins read
Elite Digital

There are certain ways that people can take a pulse on the various “hot conversation topics” happening around the world. There’s the Twitter trending topics (view top trends from 2011), Google Hot Searches, and your Facebook news feed. But, here at Elite Email, we are able to see things from a different angle and analyze the trends from email marketing campaigns. We simply identify patterns and spikes in phrases from the millions of emails sent over our network to figure out just what is on everyone’s mind.Since the majority of emails are either business-to-consumer or business-to-business, this trend analysis actually gives us a unique perspective over what you would find on Twitter, Google, Facebook, etc. because we’re looking at the conversation organizations are having with their customers.Some weeks there’s nothing that really stands out, but then in other weeks, like this past week, there is a clear hot trending topic.In the last full week of January, the hot trending topic by far that everyone was talking about was the Super Bowl.With the big game happening on February 5, 2012 between the Giants and the Patriots, organizations of all sizes were quick to jump on the hype of this massive media spectacle.It wasn’t just sports-related organizations including Super Bowl related themes in their email marketing campaigns, it was everyone!Both online and offline stores were running Super Bowl related promotions with phrases like “Super Bowl Specials”, “Super Bowl Extravaganza”, “Super Bowl Super Deals”, etc, etc.Restaurants and bars were certainly one of the most actively engaged industries as they were all vying to get people into their establishment on Super Bowl Sunday. This year we saw a lot of email coupons that were redeemable only on Sunday in an effort to drive people into their location.By including Super Bowl related content, organization’s emails were able to be very relevant and timely, which are certainly two things that help boost engagement.You can read our full press release here: Email Marketing Weekly Trends: It’s All About The Super BowlWe also saw “Valentine’s Day” stuff start creeping into some emails, but based on what we have seen in the past, we expect that to pick up a lot once the Super Bowl is behind us. (I figure this is a good thing because once I’m fatter from eating all those chicken wings on Sunday, I’ll most certainly want to start focusing on eating chocolate for Valentine’s Day. :) )


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