What’s the main goal of any email marketing initiative? To generate increased sales and visibility for your organization. Regardless of the industry, this basic concept holds true for any company looking to market to consumers online. However, you might still be sitting on the fence in regards to the actual effectiveness of email marketing. Thankfully, the answers are readily available for those who know how to interpret the data and reach sound conclusions. If you’re interested in learning about the real connection between email marketing and the return for your investment, take a moment to review these key points on the subject.
Is There a Connection?
Nobody wants to put in serious time, effort and money without the assurance that the potential for ROI is there. In the case of email marketing, a report from the British newspaper The Guardian quoted an industry expert who explained that some clients have reported returns of up to $40 for every single dollar spent. While this is an exceptional figure on its own, the potential for even higher returns may be out there under the proper circumstances. Naturally, an expertly managed campaign plays a major role in hitting these high marks. However, this one example helps set the stage for those who may still be a little wary about the power of marketing to consumers via this direct channel.
The ROI Breakdown
To help drive home the point, consider taking a deeper look at ROI produced by email marketing, via some statistics compiled by the research firm Marketing Sherpa. From this study, the firm found that 60 percent of current email marketing operations generate at least some form of ROI. In regards to industry targeting, 70 percent of B2C-only marketers reported returns, while 62 percent of B2C and B2B marketers and 56 percent of B2B and B2G also reported these gains.While this figure on its own is highly impressive, the remainder of the study holds some interesting tidbits that can help explain the upcoming trends in this booming field. Of the remaining 40 percent of marketers and directors interviewed, 80 percent expected their marketing initiatives to begin gaining returns on the expenditure after the proper setup time. Obviously, this also raises the point that such a marketing operation does to take time to begin paying off dividends. However, for those who understand the importance of patience, the reward is definitely worth the wait.
What This Means for Your Company
Now that you have the facts in front of you, what is the next step? Logically, doing a little more research into the particulars of email marketing can give you a solid foundation on which to begin planning a successful campaign. If this development seems too quick, just keep in mind that such a successful tactic naturally gains traction with a larger audience, so waiting could give your industry competitors a chance to pull ahead in this channel. For any business looking to take hold or maintain a position as an industry leading force, capturing these gains before the competition is a highly advisable venture.To bring it all together, there is a very strong and apparent connection between serious returns and your investment in email marketing. Based on how you approach your overall marketing strategy, B2C, B2B, and B2G segments all report substantial gains. With this information, and the knowledge that even more room for growth exists, starting up an email marketing campaign now can help give your business a serious advantage over competitors who still lag behind on this trend.