Greater online visibility increases sales, and Google AdWords is an effective tool to improve your visibility in the digital landscape. Its setting and options may be confusing and small mistakes add up, resulting in a wasted media spend. It’s important to continually ensure that your AdWords is performing effectively, all while utilizing the full potential of Google as an advertising platform. Conversion TrackingConversions are the ‘raison d’etre’ of your AdWords account. Without some users completing an action after they click, the cost you pay for that click is potentially wasted. A shop needs sales, not just attention (ie. clicks). Conversion tracking is crucial for understanding your campaign efficacy. The placement and the options of your conversion tags are essential to assess the performance of your Adwords Account accurately. Make sure that your account only records conversions that bring a web-user closer to a becoming a customer or a user of your product or service. Google provides a Tag Manager that will help you add tags to your website and place conversion tracking effectively. For Adwords to record these conversions, it must be linked to your Google Analytics account.Message MatchingUse specific and unique keywords to match an ad group to its own landing page so that users are directed to the most specific and relevant page. For instance, a “green hoodie” ad group should direct users to a page of green hoodies, instead of a generic hoodie page or a clothes homepage.Fewer KeywordsUse fewer keywords so that your ad groups are easier to navigate, and more importantly, easier to manage. Try to limit keywords to be between six and twenty keywords per ad group by being specific and by splitting keywords into different ad groups/topics.Negative KeywordsThe negative keywords tool will help you delete irrelevant keywords. Otherwise, you might spend the majority of your budget on clicks that are both irrelevant and too expensive.Ad Extension RelevanceEnsure that your ad extensions serve their purposes. Many people overuse ad extensions because their presence improves average CTR. Do not include a call extension unless someone is ready to answer that phone number because you will be paying for each call regardless if it is answered or not. Do not use a site link extension unless you want to increase your web traffic. A good rule of thumb is to implement one to three types per ad. Assess the relevance and usefulness of each extension in relation to each campaign and make adjustments as you see fit.Number of Ads per Ad GroupImprove your ad-performance by writing multiple ads for each ad group. Google recommends three to five; always ensure that you are showcasing the keywords in the ad group, along with the benefits, and a call to action.Google AdWords has a number of useful tools and reports to help you with your visibility in digital marketing. Coupled with Google Analytics, you can assess the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and tactics. However, like any digital marketing program, it needs to be handled carefully in order to achieve optimal results. Looking for someone to help manage your next campaign? Contact us here!
AdWords Checkup: Is Your Account Running Smoothly?

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