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Is SEO Worth It? (Hint: The Answer Is Yes)


Search is still the number one method for driving traffic to content sites. It even beats social media by over 300%. In fact, conversion rates from search are 10 times higher than from social media. 

Despite the many benefits of search engine optimization (SEO), some businesses are falling behind. Without SEO, you’re making it difficult for consumers to find you. As a result, your sales could suffer for it.

Is SEO worth it? Yes!

If you’re still not convinced, keep reading. Here are six reasons your business needs SEO. By learning about the benefits of business SEO, you can step up sales and get ahead of the competition. 

Keep reading to learn more. 

1. Attract More Traffic

Google process about 40,000 search queries every second. That’s 3.5 billion searches a day. As Google’s search volume grows each year, the importance of SEO grows, too.

If you’re not search optimized, you’re missing out!

Why is SEO worth it? For starters, it helps you attract more traffic to your website. While you won’t appear for all 40,000 search queries that occur each second, you can appear for the searches relevant to your business.

The next time someone searches for your product or service, your website could appear at the top of a Google search!

It’s important to try to reach the top of the page. That position is essentially free advertising. The higher you rank, the more website traffic you’ll attract. 

Attracting more traffic will help you generate more leads and sales. It can also boost your brand awareness.

By utilizing SEO best practices, you can reach the top of the page to gather even more traffic. Optimizing your content will also help you improve website engagement. The more people click on your site and the longer they stay, the better for your ranking. 

Local SEO

Is SEO worth it for small business leaders? Yes! In fact, SEO can help you attract local traffic to your store and your website. 

Local SEO allows you to focus on local customers in your area. First, you can update your Google My Business listing with the relevant information. Updating your listing could help you reach the 3-Pack.

The 3-Pack takes up prominent space at the top of a Google search. Occupying that space can help you direct consumers straight to your store. 

2. Generate Brand Awareness

About 93% of online activities begin with a search engine. If you’re not on the first page of a Google search, however, there’s a chance you’ll miss potential customers. In fact, 75% of searchers never look beyond the first Google results page.

If you want to increase brand awareness for your small business, you need to improve your SEO ranking. It’s not enough to appear at the top of the page for one search, though.

Instead, you’ll want to cover a range of keywords and topics for a more effective SEO strategy. That way, you can appear in front of more searches, regardless of what your customers need.

3. Improve the User Experience

In order to improve your SEO strategy, you’ll want to update your website, too. Otherwise, a slow website might frustrate visitors so much that they leave. An old, unappealing website might scare off customers, too.

Improving the user experience will encourage people to stay on your website. The longer they stay, the better for your dwell time and bounce rate. Then, you can make life easier for your customers and encourage them to convert on your site. 

4. Boost Brand Credibility and Value

The higher you rank, the more credible your brand will appear. Consumers are more likely to trust a business at the top of the first page than one on page 20. 

Improving your brand credibility can help you create brand trust. If consumers trust you, they’re more likely to remain loyal to your brand. You can even become a thought leader and become a reputable resource in your industry.  

As you improve your credibility, you can get ahead of big corporations. Since SEO is cost-effective, you can compete with the big leagues regardless of your budget. 

Then, you can generate repeat sales to boost your business. 

SEO allows you to keep up-to-date with the latest digital marketing trends. Google’s algorithm changes throughout the year. If you fall behind, competitors could steal the top-of-page ranking from you. 

For example, about 35.6 million Americans use voice-activated devices once a month. By the end of 2020, about 50% of all searches will occur through a voice assistant. If you’re not optimizing your content for voice searches, you’re falling behind. 

You’ll need to phrase your content correctly to appear for these searches. Most voice searches utilize longtail keywords (phrases of four or more words). By completing thorough keyword research, you can ensure you appear for these searches.

It also helps to include the longtail keyword in the opening paragraph of your content, along with a short summary of your content. This tactic can help you appear for Google’s featured snippets (another SEO trend).


Google’s featured snippets appear at the top of a search engine results page before organic results. By learning how to appear for these snippets, you can rank ahead of the competition.

The higher you rank, the more brand awareness you’ll generate. At the same time, you’ll rank ahead of the competition, improving your brand credibility.


Don’t forget to optimize for mobile devices, too. Almost 60% of all web traffic occurs through a mobile device. If your site isn’t mobile-optimized, mobile users will have a difficult time exploring your content.

You could miss out on potential sales as a result.  

Mobile-optimization can also help you increase sales. About 82% of smartphone users check their phones before making a purchase in-store.

In fact, Google now uses mobile-first indexing when determining rankings. If you’re not optimized, you’re already falling behind!

6. Crank Up Conversions

By targeting the right keywords, you can appear in front of consumers you view as ideal customers. Then, you can attract high-quality leads to your website and turn those leads into sales.

Focusing on your ideal customers will help you save time and money. Since SEO is so cost-effective, you’re also improving your ROI with every conversion. 

Meanwhile, you can use data to make better-informed decisions for improving your SEO strategy. As a result, you’re generating more conversions and boosting your ROI.

Is SEO Worth It?: 6 Reasons You Need to Start Using Business SEO 

Is SEO worth it? Yes! SEO can help you compete with huge corporations and improve your ROI. Otherwise, you’re falling behind the competition.

Ready to boost your business? Learn more about SEO and develop a strong strategy today.

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