At Elite Email, our entire team works hard.Our development team gives 110% effort to create new features and our customer success team always goes the extra mile to help our valued clients.So, I’m sure it comes as no surprise that we absolutely love hearing feedback from our customers, hearing their success stories, and, of course, reading really great 3rd party reviews.Recently, Website Planet, a website that is devoted to providing in-depth and comprehensive reviews did a thorough top-to-bottom review of Elite Email.I am happy to report that after the expert reviewers looked under every rock and around every corner, Elite Email scored an impressive 9.1 out of 10!You can read the full review here: score places us among the top email marketing service providers evaluated by Website Planet, which is a serious honor.On top of that, we greatly appreciate the time they spent really digging into our application because we can use that feedback to make things even better in the future. While we’re obviously all very happy with a 9.1, that does leave 0.9 points for improvement and we intend to capitalize on that! Source: Website Planet Review of Elite Email

Robert Burko
Robert Burko is CEO and Founder of Elite Digital, a leading digital marketing agency in North America. With 20 years of experience, he currently leads over 95 people across multiple countries and is recognized as one of Canada's chief digital marketing specialists. As a key thought-leader in the marketing industry and award-winning entrepreneur, Burko has appeared on national television, radio, podcasts, and in countless print publications and blogs across North America. He is also a professor of Digital Marketing & Social Media in Toronto.